Wednesday, April 4, 2007

The Future of this blog

I'm going to take the tone that I am talking to myself here, because I have looked at this blogs stats, and I am. I would like to make this blog like a little technorati. A technorati specifically for political blogs.
For example, I would like to have a constantly updated list of the most popular tags within the political realm and the results of a search on such a topic with updated every 60 seconds.


Natasha said...

I'm Jane. The 琉梳 trees have blossomed (well, i'm not really sure if their name should be written as that) aroud the school door. Why don't you go and watch them? Though it rained this days that most of the flower has been bitten, there are still many 琉梳 trees blossoming in our school(excuse for my poor English:p).

Jamie said...

Hellow~~Sorry about posting comments so late.
因為怕鬧笑話,想想還是用中文留言會比較我手寫我口一點。最近經過台大附近是三月份的事,那天是紫藤廬今年開放的最後一天,所以特別去喝喝茶,感受氣氛一下,我想你應該知道那個地方對於台灣政治上黨外人士的意義吧,那是很有歷史意義的地方,應該明年就會修整完成,到時應該會重新開放,可以去喝喝茶,在你們學校附近應該也很方便去,可是可能沒有Hip pop音樂可以聽就是了:)。