Thursday, March 1, 2007

Obama vs. Clinton

2-25 New York Post

WELL, NOW that Hollywood titan/ mogul David Geffen has emphati cally aligned himself with the Democrat's rising star Barack Obama and against his former friends the Clintons, I suppose we will take it as a given that the other undisputed king of Hollywood, Jack Nicholson, who is on the outs with Geffen - will now throw his support to Hillary. How else can it fall out?

2-25-The New york post

"Obama is inspirational," gushed Geffen.


A little more than two years ago, Barack Obama was an undistinguished member of the Illinois state Legislature - a body arguably less functional than New York's Legislature, which barely is possible.

He has no record in the Senate.

And he is a foreign-policy cipher.

Nevertheless, Obama inspires David Geffen.

That says far more about Geffen's poor judgment than it does about Obama's sketchy qualifications for high office.

None of this would mean much - except for the fact that Geffen and many of his Hollywood colleagues are extraordinarily influential individuals. If nothing else, they raise huge sums of money for favored candidates (as is, unquestionably, their right).

But it should be kept in mind that their stock in trade is fantasy - not for nothing was Geffen a founder of a studio called "Dreamworks" - and their grasp on reality sometimes reflects that.

Anyone who says he is inspired by the prospect of Barack Obama's ascension to the White House at this stage in his career is delusional.

Or, perhaps, lying himself.

2/25-the note
1. The Clinton campaign is the first (of the Big 6) to go for a high-profile Howard Dean-style Internet baseball bat-type fundraising drive. Launched on Geffen Day by a Bill Clinton mass e-mail, the goal is to raise $1 million on the web in one week. Three days in, they are nearing $400,000. If you don't know why this is key, you aren't paying enough attention.

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