Saturday, August 23, 2008


There is a reason nobody took Biden's presidential campaign seriously in the first place. Biden is not appropriate for national television. His total inability to shut his mouth is a character flaw. His Jefferson Jackson dinner speech in Iowa was literally the worst speech I have ever heard in my entire life. (And I have attended English language Toastmasters meetings in Beijing). When he starts talking too much during Cspan coverage of congressional hearings, I can turn it off or skip forward 20 minutes, but there in Iowa I could do nothing but count his attempts to invoke an aura of weightiness by saying "ladies and gentlemen" over and over and over. Sure one could argue that Biden's policy stances contradict what Obama claims to stand for. Or that these policy stances are flawed. Or mention his plagiarism in 1988. But if I was Steve Schmidt or Rick Davis, I might just say nothing. Attacking Biden gives him an undeserved credibility, evidencing a concern that without the attacks people might not see through his rhetoric for what he really is. There need not be such concern with Biden. Just let him introduce himself to the American public in the way that he sees best fit. That will surely be off-putting enough for the majority of Americans.
Dems should be crying. They could have Clinton-Obama. Instead they have Obama-Biden. LMAO.

As for McCain, I'm assuming that both Rice and Petreus, for whatever reasons, are not actually choosable. I'm hoping for Pawlenty and if it's Romney I will be rather disappointed.

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